Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lies, lies and more lies

My daughter is starting primary school tomorrow. (She's 4 - that's when they start here in Ireland). Apparently the first day is only an hour long and is a party. I didn't enquire into the details of said party, but assumed there would be name tags, snacks, and maybe a game. My daughter has been suspiciously quiet about the looming watershed of starting Big School, so I was trying to chat to her a bit about it today. She started asking me about when I started school when I was a little girl, and I assured her that my first day was a party too. "Really? Tell me all about that, mommy," she said, perking up.

I cannot remember a single thing about my first day at school, so I made some stuff up. "Uh, we sang some songs," I said, my mind racing for ideas. "Then we played a game, and had cupcakes." She wanted to know fine details about the game, the songs, and what kind of cake. I can't remember what I said. Hopefully whatever they do at the Party tomorrow will eclipse any stories I made up today. This could get me in trouble. Especially if there is no cake.

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