Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I have a sick fascination with celebrity chefs. The Irish answer to Nigella Lawson - a lovely, demure blonde woman who cooks things like jam tarts and chorizo omelets on TV for all of our edification - was on the cover of our TV guide last week. My husband, to wind me up, said, "I reckon you cook better than she does." I shouted, "I bet I do! And she knows it! Look, she basically follows me around and copies everything I do." I based this comment on the fact that she was wearing jeans, converses, a cardigan and a scarf in the photo. Hello? I do watch her show. Also, I know someone who claims her as a close friend. Hopefully I'll meet her soon and can blog about that.

I'm currently ensconced on the couch watching Jamie (Oliver) at Home, cooking a bizarre chicken thigh-potato-tomato-rocket casserole, that I might have to try over the weekend. Feeling really out of the blogging loop. My internet connectivity died a while ago and I failed miserably to resurrect it until now. Turns out it was the wireless transmitter...if you're interested.

I put my back out just before launching Beautiful Ice Cream Sandwiches. Hub had to "roadie" for me my first 2 markets, but it was totally worth it, as I sold out to my enthusiastic customers. People who know me are full of requests for parties and the like. It's great, but I hope that someone who does NOT know me asks me to cater eventually - that will be a major milestone. Although, a woman at the market did ask me if I would do her daughter's wedding - which is kind of Yay and kind of Yikes. I gotta work out how I would execute that one.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you truly are your brothers sister. Except he's not interested in watching Jamie Oliver with me even though i have to endure his Rachael Ray's "YUMMO!" and "Dont forget the E-V-O-O.... That's Extra Virgin Olive Oil!" with him. Heh....

VirtualT said...

Hi Big C! I must see if I can get some footage off the web of this Rachel Ray person. Although, not sure I can put up with the word Yummo...