Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Rest

My visit to my doctor went well yesterday. I came clean to her about the huge amount of coffee I drink during the day and my bad habit of drinking wine at night and gave her my theory that I am in a cycle of trying to compensate for my tiredness but using stimulants and depressants to get through the day.

"Wow, that sounds like the Valley of the Dolls," she said.

Anyway, they're gonna check my blood platelets, thyroid, etc and in the meantime I'm trying to sleep more and drink less (coffee and alcohol.) And I am not going to go on Prozac, yet.

If you're not already asleep from boredom, other news is that my lovely baby is walking. It's so cute. He likes to make a clicking noise with his tongue while he does it and smiles as if he is very pleased with himself indeed.

I'm flying with the kids today to my in-laws for a visit until tuesday. I really hope I can manage to enjoy myself. You know how it is. In-laws. Things can easily go pear-shaped. Plus they have an obnoxious dog. Plus for some reason my mother-in-law keeps talking to me about women that Paul could have married. One in particular, who we see often and is extremely beautiful. What is she trying to tell me? I confuse easily. I may load some new things on my MP3 player and try to spend the weekend with Bach or Miles Davis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peter and i just let out one big ginormous "AWWWWW" when we read the part about the L.B. SO cute, sometimes i have to click my tongue when i try to multitask as well so L.B.'s already got a one-up on me.
Your mom talks about Peter's ex-girlfriend (i think there's really only one that can be justified bringing up repeatedly) and how GREAT she is and how WELL she's doing in every aspect of her life. Like you, i don't get it either, but it's kinda-sorta pretty funny when you actually think about it.
Congratulations on your decision (for now). i stand behind that a trillion percent.