Today was the day of the traditional ceremony where the US president on the way out hands the torch to the guy coming in. I usually do not bother watching this; being that I am well aware who the new president is, it is not much of a cliffhanger. And politicians' speeches are usually pretty forgettable.
Today I watched it, though. There is something kind of...I don't know, magical, about Barack Obama winning the election. Outing myself as a true cynicist, I never thought I'd see an African American be president before I was an old, old lady. Plus he makes good speeches.
The kids did their best to ruin the experience, by running laps around the room screaming and throwing stuffed animals. I eventually ran away to the other TV, where I enjoyed at least Aretha Franklin singing My Country Tis of Thee before they found me. Having banished the 6 year old, I was able to hold the toddler at arm's length and giggle at the hilarious nervousness of Obama, who could not get the oath right at all. I solemnly swear? Faithfully execute the office? His wife was dying laughing in the background, I could see it. Such a human moment. Although apparently the Chief Justice fluffed up the wording, so it's actually his fault. (says . Anyway.
In the middle of Obama's totally stumble-free speech that followed, Toddler announced that he wanted to do a Pee in the Potty. And you know, I had to turn my back on historical live TV for that.