Saturday, September 22, 2007

markets and me

My day at the farmer's market on Friday was pretty good...sort of. It was another slow day at the market, but a couple of good things happened: I had customers just walk up to my stall and buy like, 6, and go. I didn't have to have a big chat about explaining ice cream sandwiches at all. Someone also came in looking for me - she said she heard the sandwiches were incredible. So I rate it as a good day.

I might change markets though. As much as I enjoy the one I'm in, it is sooo quiet. I think I'd make a lot more money at one of the outdoor weekend ones where there's lots of falafels and crepes, and kids running around. I have to keep reminding myself, the markets are not the end of the story though - hopefully I will get into a shop somewhere, someday. Or a restaurant. Or something.

My baby yelled "Daddy! Gimme!" today. I think it was his most articulate moment yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uhh.... if you can manage a way to get them here, i'll take 2 dozen icecream sanwiches please!