Monday, April 16, 2007


Sorry to post general blog housekeeping issues, but not sure where else I would bring up these things... Since it HAS been a year, and so far no evil dark forces have started threatening me since I started this blog, I was considering ditching the painful anonymity (referring to my family in a cumbersome fashion as My Four Year Old, The Baby, My Husband, My Sister-in-Law, etc) and using all of our real names. Or, is there some value in the descriptive verbiage of the anonymous labels? I suppose if you logged on to this blog for the first time you wouldn't be too informed by hearing what Jorge (fictitious name) was doing. On the other hand (It seems I have three), does it really matter at all, given that most people reading this got here, I gather, by accident.

In other late-breaking news, I am going out 3 times this week - a world record for me since I had Child no. 1. Tomorrow, I'm going to the Chris Issac (sp?) concert (no, I hadn't thought about him for a few years either, hopefully he's not bald, ha ha), Wed for a walk on the sea and a drink with an old friend, and Fri for a Mom's nite out with my neighbors on the cul-de-sac*. Which will be the most titillating?... Very, very hard to say. And for which night should I save the shrunken pink jacket and high boots? I'm thinking Friday.

*another word for cul-de-sac: dead end. Discuss.


Anonymous said...

first, some part of me thinks the boots and pink jacket go better with chris isaak. it's a 90's thang.

as for the anonymity... the argument that says "no one will ever find me" got shot to hades when my sister contacted my zuska out of the blue a few weeks back. she'd tracked her down via my blog and contacted her directly. that move alone puts a person in contact w/ 2 sites where we reveal a great deal about our personal lives.

that information could be valuable to someone, whether it's for marketing purposes or something more nefarious.

when it comes to kids i'll always prefer to err on the side of caution. so to protect them i'll keep myself semi-masked as well. or at least highlt guarded.

as for cul-de-sac, despite it's french translation as "bottom of the sac" the justification in urban planning has always been to lessen trafic and increase saftey. here in the states it's often joked as "the poor homeowner's gated community" when a subdivision is made up of cul-de-sacs (or is it culs-de-sac?) all branching off main arteries.

enjoy your time out this week!

Anonymous said...

Hot Mama's going out! WOOOO! i just said to Peter (who is, at the moment, typing away on his laptop next to me at the kitchen table in his underpants) "Your sister's going to see Chris Isaak this week." and he replied by breaking out into "Wicked Game." Heheh.... Need i remind you he's in his underpants and his ironic "GOLF-A-THON 1990" tee shirt. i hope that paints as hysterical a visual in your mind as it truly is.

Anonymous said...

Chris Isaak rules! I hope you enjoy the show.

On anonymity - I'd say stick with it. Or have some fun with it and create fake names for your family as well.

There really are a lot of risks with posting stuff online. I usually recommend being yerself for professional things, and creating a fake you for playing. This is important if someone decides to try to cause you grief about something you post. You just never know.