Friday, April 27, 2007

Quote of the day

I told my mom about my doctor suggesting I take anti-depressants, and among other things(very kind and helpful comments. she does love me) she said, "Well, I guess some people just deal with life and soldier on - and you are just not one of those people."


dlz said...

i'm not generally in the camp to disagree with someone else's mother about their children, but i am extremely against the medical reliance on antidepressants and the over-reliance of drugs. i guess i'm saying that i don't agree with your mom's assessment and would proceed with caution.

i don't know how much it would help, but you might want to look into the work of dr. andrew weil, a former harvard research physician who has since discovered that mondern medicine does more harm than good and promotes what he calls "spontaneous healing" through diet, exercise and medication. it sounds gawdawfull new-agey but can be very sobering and is very well researched.

dlz said...

my comment should have said "meditation" and not "medication".

VirtualT said...

Hi dlz, I know what you mean. I read one of Dr. Weil's books some time ago, and have been working on all the things you mention. I guess right now, at this point, I don't think I need to go on meds. But it alarms me that my doctor thinks I should.

thanks for your help! I'll dwell on this more in a later post I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

i 100-million% agree with Diz! Plus, Doctor's are supposed to urge every single person they see to go on drugs for one thing or another because that's all they know to do. And then there are the pharmaceutical companies who tell them, "if you can meet such-n-such prescription quota this month we'll give a hundred bazillion dollar bonus!"
No joke.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with going on medication if you need it. Even a small dose of zoloft can help tremendously. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's not like you have to be on it forever. You're dealing with a lot. It's ok to have a little help getting through the rough spots in life. If you think others will make you feel bad about your decision, you don't have to tell them. It's a personal decision, after all. Hang in there!